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i forget much now a days....and go on with that, but that doesn't matters i guess

so on the counts.......all of you are living up on a  aggregated gases along with the vacuum and then.......are told that there are a billion other such galaxies out there too....again with billions of other planets,stars and constellations.....oh i forgot that there are other organisms too......leave the million other species on your own planet.....and wait.....your whole problem is in toxic relationships....that you chose work for some other people or say government or corporations just to get access to another your fellow's made entity called money......and there you get to know the real rank of yours comparing yourself on the criterion of education ( is it education though ? ) , then on some stuffs like idiotic accessories .......and wait.....the list has not even started for your dreams.... ( inception of whose was always in the things which you saw on internet,.in your peers smiles., on the television ) , then you it bad ...

Memoirs of the timeless phase

like.....I told ya....,that she's still that beautiful...... More than words..... More than beauty.... Just like him :) here's another one from the vault...: a natural symphony how he addressed it to her.....while she was just about to sleep....the night prior to the yesternight....somehow....the heiress (only) of frosted mountains....sleeps a lil too early now a days.....they say <he does..,de facto>........."one must be prepared with swords and knives of all sorts......the expeditions don't leave anything spare...." so they talked a bit more.....(of everything)..., # MIRROR OF THE UNKNOWN CASCADE # ---Dafuq does he gets to know about his own questions?? -^Who? ---You. +-+ -^His own said reflection is there.... Who asks him diametric questions for the unsolved ones...... ---Just like a puzzle for another puzzle?? -^!!! Aye ---so found that mirror?? -^never had that deftness to ask the mirror itself if it was mine :) ----They must be...

Just when you thought.........,you must sleep....again ?

a thing or two passed by..,..yes...along the (those i must say ;) ) jabberings..., ... and like it was her realm ...from the forefathers of obscure chastity." "" thy have a feast....under the blue umbrella....    sometimes in the darkest hours...    with a defined longingness to yearn for...    a new deja~vu of their dreams...    just for {the one's} hunt....        wassails like these never end ....     fool's paradise this is for some.,    perks of melodies for some...     reasons are unreasonable at times..    & of course....almost everytime...    a tiramisu is there....kept aside for him....     for they believe in the legends they have been talking about..    canvas is ready ....always like it has been...always it be thus!    salvations need not end in mesmerising things....but they do...   rains need not end ...

So it was Re-Read....

Wasn't sacred completion...... So she read again...., ### FOR THEY RAIN UPON THE BLINDING DUST... OVERLYING HEARTS..., TRUE BODIES... AND UNFELT SOULS.... so BEtter BE A BIT MORE GENTLE....**### More than what those five senses can decode, along the mystical musical themes of nature.... ((It's a speck btw)),. perceiving now was easy... with that own...Unique vibrational signature..,& those other realms,just happen to be elevated.... { that light was knowledge}}.., her answers were absolute... And complete till now..., " there's a new world out there.... Where the aura is more than this bio-field " ...a new realm.... Ahead of the skies... Lights that once drenched her...with the rain... Far away from those physicalities... A new born she was....once again....:) Then.... #archiocortex still on the senses.... This time with him... Moralities fade out from then.... #straightOutta it is now., as far as she saw... This was the fruition.... ""., ...

eternity along the swaddle the transcending paces.....!!!

there again goes the spiel for the unprecedented part.... :) like the unrivaled haze of the ever going titillation .. oblivious of every anguished oracle... soon came the day where accord was re-written..... somehow .....far this time...... much farther than those devious perimeters of the mind,. delusion were still ahead.....just for the very existence of theirs... ambushed along the whole game .... (( The Game Of The End.....remember ?? !!! ))  {{    }} for this time its not conquest.....:)  <<as expectedly unexpected ;) >> walk over the multitudes......dive in deserts... like the curbs of their gettin' bleary... once again along the lines...... perennial this time .......though.... sounds of snicker....surpassing the moment..... striking the only prowess of her minute reck dipping the inescapable dream of the only significant beloved... till the only resting...

those Fractions....of a "second"

Its all up there that small box between your ears.... like it used to be... numerous phases come in that organism's life whom we refer to as "human" ...almost every single day.....moment by moment....which then become days....weeks ...months...n then years.., some moments...are like of our hard earned money or long kept secrets...... we just want to be wd dem in our so called time spaces of "seclusion" ......these are the things which we believe would make us feel alive in our moments ahead of tomorrow....those people which ones were so close to us...those emotions that we self-induced in a result of watching a result of learning the human a result of wanting to taste the feeling of societies....friendships.....and several other undefined profane things.....((materialism...instead of being ruled over by since years....has been consistently doomed)),.. reminded about how bad things generally s...

today.......She write something..... not a thing.... It's an activity..... an image maker... and it law.., simply !!!! every single conspired to be the perfect every sense though.., is reflected is reflected in the very sense of human behavior... nevertheless....this all.....wholepacked case ..of.. epics...stories...have been the most fav of humans..but there's a world....which relates to more interesting things ....things...which just start where normal human imagination ends.... hallucinations ...full phase imaginations....lucid dreaming....there are various things...numerous terms which are yet to be given to these bundle of thoughts....but that doesnt cease their perpetuation in this so called "realistic" world.., Every single thing we see., every single thing we come in contact with.....every single thing we feel.... is a mere illusion... but the ironical point is.....that every "that" single illusion...