like.....I told ya....,that she's still that beautiful...... More than words..... More than beauty.... Just like him :)
here's another one from the vault...:
a natural symphony how he addressed it to her.....while she was just about to sleep....the night prior to the yesternight....somehow....the heiress (only) of frosted mountains....sleeps a lil too early now a days.....they say <he does..,de facto>........."one must be prepared with swords and knives of all sorts......the expeditions don't leave anything spare...."
so they talked a bit more.....(of everything)...,
---Dafuq does he gets to know about his own questions??
---You. +-+
-^His own said reflection is there.... Who asks him diametric questions for the unsolved ones......
---Just like a puzzle for another puzzle??
-^!!! Aye
---so found that mirror??
-^never had that deftness to ask the mirror itself if it was mine :)
----They must be tempted about your obsession....
-^do they really matter?? :)
---It has a rule too (your love)..... New flowers come in the successive years.....
-^Shooting stars are temporary my love.....:)
<<soulmates don't hang there out in the market >>
---You may be strange sometimes..... can't be a stranger for me..... (At least)
{ The more he was beaming her..... The more mysterious she was becoming..... Or may be he was in the different direction...... Still a delightful always she had been}
-^till it remains unclear...... To me..... I never have the luxury of time phases to get into this
---to bring that forth..... He must be performing that in mind.... Too.... Of course
-^nimble you are.....still a stated and a declared open ended question it is my love (^_^)
----my purviews are slightly different you also know......
-^memoirs are always preserved...... For only somethings are there that I love to keep in the eighth castle
---Never in the instant you've known me
-^never ever you ever wanted so...... Your preciousness is worth of the lone times
---with the language that none understands...... You're just like a moth attracting dreading fire
+-^ but you do....a new perception everytime in your palace for the same things...... And you blamed the native of the Arascaban with the fault of the whole cosmos.....:))) seems
{the forgotten ones come alive....when retold
of those invaluable endowments of forfeits
thy....when mounted on the spiked wheels unparalleled homage of the faith....}
---it must be fun....
-^it has been for you I see
---®so nobody now to make you happy?
-^wasn't into that much of entertainment I guess
---still...., there must be someone to tell you how awesome you've been ...
-^to you?? :)) :P
-^I've one...
-----So noone for the last sapphire??
-^ I've the one who's there for that....
----congratulations for that.... Didn't tell before
-^ simply didn't ask before......
[{ For the most beautiful one she is....
With the clouds and moonlit adorning her
& the secluded galaxies making way for her
With the convoy of white Martians ....she dwells in the white mountains
there isn't any reason to love her less....}]
---Weird you're...... You should be talking to her then..... N you telling the uncharted snooper these things....
-^ She's wonderful and much ahead for the word.... Understanding....
--- If she's so special to you...... The case to l should be other way round
-^ expected things don't get recited here now a days for long
---+wouldn't she be deprived of your presence there ..... For (not expected) ..... But for the necessary....??
-^ mutual respect of the times...... Is the answer
Hell finds its way in the sand dunes soon...
--- not my business I guess..... Said she
-^ I told ya earlier
later with the 'one'.....-_- %^%
----What do you see into my eyes most of the times??
-^ I just .....look into your eyes..... Just it...said he..,".<< concealing everything what he had known till then>>
[omitting everything and every reason.....that night .....he disappeared again........ To get the unheard quest's answer ,more.... In his own manner .......]
[{ for the very Last step of the uneasy existence it was..,.....:
blessed she is.....with the vibrant blues
in the most daring flame of ignites
electrified by passion....was such her tender heart
emblazoned with the truest of faith in her eyes....
and then......her face was glittered
the talks followed somehow.....
"This I saw :",....said he
Rather than logics,..," you have been a staying figure of intuitions.... Love....
It's your Oracle deck.....
(Your own one)
All hand to hand evolver need to..... Unlearn......
Where the long lost ships are to be found......
For you are their captain there....
#of course an antagonist is the need for the protagonist......#
-^ Magical is the suitable're 'magical' my love......(protected at every cost)
Radiant you be .....
Ocean of light and thy be the whole cosmic force.......
& ray be me....
----That halo you may be....
But your talks are more infectious.....
just like before...just like always..,
---Surely you know how to rule unconsciously too....
-^Surely you didn't notice what they all were about then.....
---What do you do now a days?
-^Nothing much out of your expectations ......& Everything out of their imaginations....
---happy to see you happy again... :)
-^yeah for.....not a long time was all about chaos... that never were there..,
---its' your talks that captured my heart....that so in such a nice manner.....
so aren't your other halves today with you ? :)
-^you seem to be more aware of them than me....:D
---no just waiting for some real devotees ....:P
[rich never notice the riches .....aye...!!!]
((may be :/))
That all time artistry.....
is on the other side of midnight today.....
{{...she didnt' believed in herself
as much he did in her
so how could she be trying to .....get into the alignment ????
the wizard of sword....welcomed her....again.....blessed with the eternal victory..
& the bestower of the bounty
and some mere words....filled the rest of the story....
}} you're being loved by so ....many....of them.....when you're with the "one"...would be interested in knowing what some else body feels for you :D ....?
-^ 'sometimes' you forgot .....mam ?
---shouldn't I be smacking your face with this 'sometimes' ?
-^ your wish......(as it has been )
----wish it would've been mine .//.
-^ :)....
so her silences were not screaming then for the right ear to hear ? :D
----the ear wasn't deaf then :/
-^ is it ? :D
---the screams get unheard in the sounds of the crowd....
-^ you always....were different....
--- you always....have the sweetest of the lucrative wordwebs of the realm...
-^ may be just for you.... :)
such a sweetheart you have been.....unbothered by everything...:D
--- was informed someday that the heart's absent :D.....and i believed...
-^must've been a special.....for sure :D.....
Just where the huge strides are made..... He'll take her beyond her expectations and imaginations.......
Superficially..... Anything may appear lucrative to her...... Anything may make her insecure(?) somehow...... Still the love is about the space that explodes when they are together.....
When things burn them alive...
They get the redirected brushes of skin....
No eyes would gaze now if all questions are answered by him at once.....
The mesmerising eyes she saw.....
The delicate beauty she was attracted to anyhow.....
The cuteness she agreed to...
And the flamboyantly appealing figure she forged into....
Leeching the radical beauty that he saw......
Millennia before.....
No ecstasy is complete anyhow...... Till he's not there..... Call it a manner of self obsession...... But let it be the same remainder of the new age truth.....
Would love itself be introducing the charisma of her buoyant petals??? No.....:)
She knows it deep down..... Very well....
May the balance be recognizing them very well..... In the invisible guidance of intuitions...... And let the flow of cup runneth over..... To her prior opportunities.....
The territory would always be safer......
It's the greatest of impressions..... That the varying degrees of polarity makes them impenetrable unit.......
---yeah....dearly special in actual...taught a few more you shouldn't touch the sun
-^ could've taught about some new age chemical explosions....:D
or like......not everybody is an owner of the city of dreams like you....
for he's there for her.........:D
just to see her smile.....once again..(in the same manner ) :)))))
{for his world's more than complete with her small miracles.....<<she calls them that>>}
Tale of streaming dreams
-^No she ain't losing...... Can she? :))) <<when she's not needed to do so......>>
---- don't know
-^Escape you say? What from love?
----you already know what from
-^ she's too sweet than what she has seen in whole life..... Even if she's bitter...... Can she be so....... Forever?
----can you stop pretending you know much than her about her?
-^:))) would she be liking that at all?
---even matters at all??
-^wouldn't be writing at all then..,
---you'll have to..... ass :|
-^but her imaginative soul and wilful mind is what she's got...... She doesn't needs anything else I guess.....
----she doesn't needs to be told what she needs too....
-^ her reflection is with her...... The gifts she's unknown to..... Are with her.....
---and everything else knows how to evaporate this you'll say now...... Mind fuck off then?
-^from where.... Love? :))
---from that mirror....
-^ would she be happy then?
----satisfied..... Much better she would be.... In a more satisfying way... do tell about the unanswered questions before that...
-^will have to stay with the reflection then
---- then stay.....!!!!
----your words do act more than a spoiler or a tenure....
-^ your mind makes it so......willingly... :D :) .....making thus easier...,
{ Hurricanes inside that simple and a single dew need no mentions of them even to affect the very preferred presence of her........}
---easier to speak for somebody being abundant at the
-^ still go for what they show you.,...(eyes) :D ??
---- a drop of water acts as an ocean for the one dying with thirst...
-^ what about the one with lakes full of salts and not a single drop to drink ? :D
----what would a mirror be showing in the darkness ?
-^ what good thee light be doing if it itself isn't of any image there ??
---- love void of logics....have seen the most intellectual ones drowning smilingly in that sea
-^ grey matter never was a matter of concern in those legends... :D
----treacherous.....those heights are....just like your talks....wonder how happy she makes you ...everyday...
-^ would assume you said catchy :D
{castles of diamond have brought her up into them....
why wouldn't she be enjoying this luxury of heavens ??? }
---you still haven't shown the one you to .....and the one who makes you happy....
-^ was thinking if you would really be yearning to meet her
in the first blush....just when the sun was soaring.....
with those golden rays
thou foster all the creation....
for the fruits of love....let them be grown inside her.....
and salvage some of it for the moon
for her merrymaking summerdays are here....
silently they flee inside.....for that beauty was still amidst the sleep....
and the inquisitive one just wanted to sneak a peek....
relinquishing the speck of sun and moonlit come from the mezzanine..., He showed her where 'she' was....just in front...(of them)....
seeing right back to them ....The goddess of his love..... friend of his ridiculed manners...... Inspiration of several nightmares......and an ageless beautiful legend.... of his maneuvered allegories..,
She was seeing.......Herself....
And saw him again.......
May be with a slightly ...ticked off speculation....
(For more was he confusing her)......
-^ You..... My love.... Is that she......
"You're adored here love.......invaluable may be the considerate ...:))
Why..... Even on the planet like earth..... Would you should be bothered about those glooms ??? (When you are.....the most beautifully imperfect perfection ...).....
there never was.....never would be....any such impart your tenderness....leave even thinking somebody else to take up your please me.., "
Then he went...... leeching her the promise for the upcoming tomorrow....... She could see in very front of her own eyes....
everything she had heard of him...everything she had yearned for........ The starting of the very lasts......mumbling to herself....
Brighter than the sun his aura is.....
Undeniable even by you.....
The flashes you get from the skies are the mere glimpses of the love you beget
Sometimes you see that one set of tracks......
May be you're lightweight enough to get a short flight in the course of clouds of your esteemed eagerness of seeing me work...... Silently......
we there be sitting on the roof...
while the stars are awake....
may the rain not fall..,
and you igniting the
from today's night..... they will go on a new odyssey...... Just like she wished.......
<<and who knows....... :).....may be the scratches of her nails tell the whole story in the morning.... :D ;) >>
He still would spoil that penguin with all of his love......for the wonder she is......:)
being unaware of herself..,
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